Discretionary bursary fund
The Student Bursary Fund is paid to the College to help students with the costs of studying. The aim is to ensure that facing such costs does not deter students. It is designed to help students where families are on a low income or in particular financial difficulty.
Those who have been UK residents for at least 3 years
• Those on courses for further education (full and part time)
• Students aged under 19 on 31st August in the academic year which they start their course
• Discretionary funding – the family is in receipt of benefits or the family income is less than
£27,500 a year. Funding is subject to availability
How to apply for Discretionary Bursary
Applying is quick and easy, submit your application online directly to us.
Key documents and guidance
We advise applicants read through the guidance information prior to applying for bursary.
Application Guidance 2024-2025