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Health & Social Care (BTEC)

Course Overview

The BTEC award in health and social care is a 1 year course, throughout the year students develop knowledge and understanding through applying their learning to work-related contexts, and gain the skills they need for further study and employment. The qualification assesses learners through assignments and tasks with an exam element at the end of the year, made up from the teaching during the course of the year. Care values are at the heart of the course and students will apply their learning to real-life scenarios. The components of the course build on each other so that each student grows in confidence.

How many hours per week?

Teaching contact time is 4 hours and 20 minutes per subject. Other workshops will be available throughout the year including over some holiday periods. Students are expected to spend a minimum 4 hours of independent study to complete assignments, homework, extra reading and independent research.

Entry Requirements

The Level Three Foundation Programme has a consistent set on entry requirements for each course. Students are required to have already achieved a of 4,4,3 at level 2 (GCSE or equivalent)

Exam Board


What will I learn?

During Component 1, students will:
• explore how individuals develop physically, emotionally, socially and
intellectually over time
• investigate how various factors, events and choices impact individuals’
growth and development
• discover how people adapt to life events and cope with making changes

During Component 2, students will:
• learn which health and social care services are available
• identify why people might need to use these services
• discover who’s involved in providing these services
• explore what might stop people from accessing the services they need
• look at the care values the sector has to make sure people get the care
and protection they need

During Component 3, students will:
• learn what ‘being healthy’ means to different people
• explore the different factors that might influence health and wellbeing
• identify key health indicators and how to interpret them
• assess an individual’s health using what they’ve learned
• create a health and wellbeing improvement plan for that person, which includes
targets and recommendations of support services available
• reflect on the potential challenges the person may face when putting the plan

What skills will I develop?

The assessment structure of the course is designed so that students can build on what they learn, and develop their assignment skills, as they move through the course.

How will i be taught?

Teaching sessions will be around 2 hours. Within this time you will have a teaching session with several activities, this will be structured group work or individual research tasks, followed by group discussions. There are also practical elements to the course where you will use medical equipment in order to learn what ‘being healthy’ means and apply this to real life case studies, where you can identify risk factor to the health of an individual.

How will I be assessed?

Component 1 Human Lifespan Development – Internally assessed assignments marked by the teacher this makes up 30% of the total course
Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and Values – Internally assessed assignments marked by the teacher this makes up 30% of the total course
Component 3 Health and Wellbeing – Externally assessed task (exam) this makes up 40% of the total course

Where will this course take me?

The course will allow you to progress to level 3 where you can study at level 3 (A level qualification or apprenticeship). Alternatively you could enter employment within health and social care where you can develop skills and knowledge on the job within a support role.

Staff contact details

Alisha Hall

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