You are here: King Edward VI College > Intensive Spoken Spanish Course

Intensive Spoken Spanish Course

What is involved?

Learning to speak Spanish through talking and activities. This course is suitable for students who really want to improve their Spanish. You will need to commit 1.5 hours per week and have a passion for Spanish.

Why should you do this subject?

Learning Spanish is fun whether it is to use on your holidays in the Costa del Sol, travelling in South America or as an additional skill for university or work. The course is intended to be challenging but also very rewarding as you will quickly improve your spoken Spanish and your confidence in using the language.

What activities will be undertaken?

The course is mainly spoken to help you feel more confident speaking and understanding Spanish in real life situations. There is a focus on practicing using Spanish in conversations and to ask / answer questions through role playing and group activities.

How will it help your future career?

Knowing another language is fantastic for making friends, travelling and gap year opportunities including volunteer / paid work abroad. It is also highly desirable in higher education and for future employers as the number of global companies and those with international links continues to grow.

What employability opportunities would this LinC programme offer?

The course will include additional opportunities to experience Spanish such as a trip to a Spanish restaurant, a guest Spanish speaker or a cinema visit to watch a Spanish film.

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