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King Edward VI College becomes founder Member of New Multi Academy Trust

Nuneaton’s King Edward VI College, has announced that from 1st January 2019 it has worked in partnership with Coventry University to create the “Better Futures” Multi Academy Trust.  Other Sixth Form Colleges are set to join the trust in coming months, with Bilborough College in Nottingham already planning to join founder member King Edward’s later in the year.  Interim Executive Principal Uly Lyons announced this significant development and commented, “The College will still be known as King Edward VI College and nothing will change in terms of the teaching and learning philosophy of the college or the staffing levels. King Edward’s will remain the most popular provider of sixth form education for 16-19 year olds in Nuneaton and surrounding area.  It will help the college to plan confidently for the future and guarantee financial stability and investment. Coventry University is one of Britain’s leading Universities and this partnership will enable us to develop stronger links and increase the opportunities available to our students. The college looked at a variety of options for a partner to help us gain academy status.  We are delighted to have Coventry University as our sponsor, and it was always clear in our negotiations that maintaining the highest quality of educational experience for our students would remain at the heart of the Trust’s purpose. We are in negotiations with several other Sixth Form Colleges to join the trust, which will give us further opportunities to share good practice and expertise in this unique sector of further education. The ‘Better Futures Trust’ opens an exciting chapter in the long History of Nuneaton’s oldest educational institution and will secure its future as a successful and leading provider of Sixth Form Education in the area.”

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