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Market Traders

What is involved?

Have you got an entrepreneurial spirit with an idea for a product that could be sold on a market stall? Are you a self-starter that can lead or support a group of fellow like-minded students to research, create a business plan and carry out sales of your product at Nuneaton market? Examples of effective product ideas are fashion, craft or art objects, preferable non-food items, due to restriction on licensing. You would need to source the raw materials and produce your products. Sales days will be around Christmas time to benefit from increased retail opportunities.

Why should you do this subject?

If you have a strong work ethic; you’re organised; you can encourage others to work with you; if
you wish to develop key employability skills along the way, this group is for you.

What activities will be undertaken?

You will be part of a group that will run weekly meeting themselves. A member of staff will be on hand for advice along the way and to facilitate the start of the group passing over responsibility to you. This is not another lesson led by a teacher, you will be part of a group steering the progress. You will work as a team, being a responsible and reliable team member, creating and developing your business idea, attending weekly meetings; liaising with Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council to plan and set up your market sta. At the end of the 20-week program you will write a summary report which will evaluate your performance and provide advice for next year’s students.

How will it help you in your future career?

You will be able to impress any interviewer with your extra-curricular interest in enterprise. You will develop employability skills that all employers are looking for including communication, team work, negotiating, facilitating or attending meetings, creativity, problem solving.

What employability opportunities would this LinC programme offer?

The Economic Development Officer at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council will be your main contact whom you will have meetings with and provide regular updates to. You will also have the opportunity to meet with local business people who will offer advice and guidance on setting up your own meeting. You will have the
opportunity to meet with local market traders and carry out preliminary research.

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