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Media Production

What is involved?

This option allows students the chance to develop creativity, editing and communication skills using the form of print media to do so. Students will complete a range of practical projects over the year, learning and applying the skills of planning, production and post-production within magazines, film marketing and advertisement/marketing.

Why should you do this subject?

Media is all around us, and consumed daily by most people, this option will give students the chance to understand how media texts communicate their messages, and work on applying this to their own projects. If you have an interest in creative your own media products, learning how visuals construct meaning, or just getting to grips with photography and Photoshop, this choice has it all. Students will work from a brief, using skills of interpretation and problem solving to generate their own final outcomes. Anyone with an interest in creative industry and careers would gain some of the skills and understanding to support this path.

What activities will be undertaken?

The LinC will be based around 2-3projects following the media process of research and planning, production and post production. Students will learn the conventions of media forms, before planning and producing their own; making mock ups and draft layouts, creating images and graphics for the final design and editing all work together in programmes such as Photoshop or Canva. Students will also be encouraged to develop ideas and experiment with different techniques.

What employability opportunities would this LinC programme offer?

This will offer students a hands on and focused chance to develop their own portfolio of work, which for anyone interested in pursuing creative industry courses and jobs will be great resource to have.

How will it help you in your future career?

Students will learn and be given the chance to develop a wide range of skills, from production to interpretations of information, being able to construct meaning via a variety of techniques. Within the practical aspects of the course students will gain a great understanding of the constructed nature of media to allow them to be more perceptive to this in the real world.

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