Rated Ofsted Good across all areas, King Edward VI College is the only Sixth Form college in Coventry and Warwickshire specialising in the teaching and support of 16 to 19-year olds. We take students from Coventry, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Leicestershire and neighbouring counties, and provide the grown up learning environment that’s perfect preparation for university or the workplace.
The college has over 1,500 students, approximately 60% will go on to university. KE6 has an excellent reputation for very high standards of teaching and learning, a long-established track record of success and a tremendous range of programmes available.
Offering over 40 subjects at A Level and BTEC available across both our campuses – that’s the widest range of A Level and BTEC courses in Coventry and Warwickshire.
A student at KE6 has a bespoke programme of study which includes 3 academic subjects, an enrichment activity and a weekly meeting with their Progress Support Tutor.
The main difference to school Sixth Forms is that our students are free to use their non timetabled sessions as they wish. There is ample space for supported independent study in one of our study areas.
The college does not have a uniform or dress code which leads to a more relaxed environment, free from some of the necessary, but sometimes time consuming regulations at schools.
We think Sixth Form college is a new and exciting environment in which to make the natural transition to the world and beyond and opens up new and exciting opportunities.
Join us at KE6 and you too can be part of this success.