As a student at college we will encourage you to work part-time, up to 10 hours a week, outside of college hours. By working part-time you will begin to develop the really valuable skills employers are looking for such as good teamwork, communication, reliability and leadership as well as developing good time management skills to enable you to learn to balance your college work with your other commitments.
If you don’t feel ready for part-time work yet please consider volunteering to help gain these skills.
If you decide to pursue full-time employment as an option at the end of college, you will be supported by our Employability and Community Officer, Rachael Talbot, who can be found in the Study Centre. There will be a variety of support which will be available to you during your time here at college, such as how to seek employment, CV writing, interview skills and assessment days, you will also be alerted to work experience opportunities and internships. In the past we have had students apply successfully to companies such as TNT, Coventry Building Society, Santander and EY for their summer internships.
During the course of the year we work closely with local companies who may come into your lessons. This is a great opportunity to network with them and get yourself known to them, and to find out exactly what employers are looking for when recruiting.