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King Edward VI College celebrates success after a challenging year

King Edward VI College are saying a very heartfelt well done to all of our students. We are so proud of them and how well they have met the challenges of the past two years. They have shown great resilience, ability to adapt to change and have engaged so well with the alternative assessment arrangements that they have had. They thoroughly deserve their successes this year and we are incredibly pleased with so many positive results.

Achieving their qualifications this year has been challenging. The cancellation of national exams for the second year running has meant that our students at King Edwards did not get the opportunity to sit formal national exams. Instead, schools and colleges were asked to use their professional experience to make a fair and objective judgement of the grades they believed a student would have achieved.

Over the last year the college has been focused on ensuring that safety and continuous education have been at the heart of everything we do. We have been conscious that all students have been impacted over the last two academic years by covid. Prioritising educational experience and success for our students has been our focus.

The students have experienced a consistent and uninterrupted teaching model at every stage of the pandemic. The college has been proactive in its approach and all the measures put in place have meant that we have had a low isolation rate, and no known spread of covid within the organisation. From switching to online lessons, to covid testing onsite as well as mask wearing and social distancing, our students have shown tremendous maturity and resilience. We are incredibly proud of what they have achieved.

Due to the way that results this year have been calculated, the DfE are not compiling or publishing any school performance figures and so in keeping with this, we will not be publishing college level performance figures for this summer.

We are, however, delighted to be able to share with you some individual stories of success. Deserving of special mention are Sarah Packer and Louise Warner who will be heading to the University of Exeter to study Medicine, Abbie Whiteman who is going to the University of Surrey to study Veterinary Medicine and Science, Mattias Bacon who will be studying English Literature at the University of Durham, Emma Gibson who will be studying English at the University of Cambridge, Alex Ayres who will be studying Sociology at the University of Warwick and finally Tyler Bosworth who will be studying Popular Music Performance & Music Production at BIMM.

We also would like to mention our students who have succeeded in some very competitive selection process to secure apprenticeships Regan Barrow has secured a degree apprenticeship with EY and Alix Wilcock, having spent time completing work experience, has now secured an Accountancy apprenticeship with Pattinson’s accountancy.

Stuart Noss, the college Principal, expressed his delight that the hard work of students and their staff has paid off and that the college is celebrating a truly diverse range of success stories. We are delighted to be able to congratulate the Class of 2021, who have experienced a unique disruption to their lives, for their many achievements and also to wish them well as they move on to the next phase of their lives with our full support and best wishes. Each student should be proud of what they have achieved, and we are delighted to have supported them on their journey to success.

It is an exciting time to be a part of King Edward VI College. Applications for places at the college are rising yearly and we continue to be the area’s largest provider of vocational and academic sixth form programmes with a growing curriculum offer to meet the demands of our students. With the unique support of our specialist sixth form college multi academy trust and Coventry University, the college can provide a post-16 educational experience unlike any other.

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