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Students’ Union

Welcome to King Edward VI College, where students are at the heart of all we do!

We are the Students’ Union and we work on the student body’s behalf to ensure that we are represented when it comes to ground-breaking decisions, event planning, and virtually anything else that concerns us as students. Although you’ll find a student leadership platform at most schools and colleges, what sets us apart is that we:

  • Are protected by a formal Constitution- our positions were made by students, for students and are separate from staff structures.
  • Have an independent Manifesto- as officers, we are elected annually to work on our own goals, whether that be to better mental health support on campus, or organise charitable events.
  • Have our own Office- we can answer questions for students, at any time with both an onsite presence, or virtually with our email:
  • Are represented at governance meetings- we have officers that partake in academy-level decisions, meaning that policies are always shared with student representatives.

Your time at our sixth form college may be short, but the Union are here alongside you to answer any questions you may have. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that the KEC Community is like no other- we are a diverse, independent-minded and supportive society; if you want to get involved, simply have a question or have some ideas, we will always be there.

KEC Students’ Union,

Instagram: @KE6SU
Office: Unity Hub

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