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On 1 January 2019, King Edward VI College (KEC) converted to a 16-19 Academy and joined the Better Futures Multi-Academy Trust (BFMAT) which is sponsored by Coventry University.

BFMAT is the first University sponsored MAT focussed on Sixth Form Education and Sixth Form Colleges (SFCs) in particular. Over 70% of all SFC students progress to University each year and when there outperform cohorts from the school or the General Further Education Sector. The objective of the Trust is to build on this and strengthen provision to all Academies within the Trust to improve student outcomes and enable them to contribute to each local community.

The KEC Local Governing Body (LGB) is a sub-Committee of the BFMAT and operates within the context of a written scheme of delegation.

The role of the LGB includes:

  • Overseeing the development and delivery of an academy strategy;
  • Providing robust challenge and scrutiny of quality;
  • Supporting and strengthening leadership by holding the Principal to account for the performance of students and staff.

The LGB is active in developing close relationships with local stakeholders, and particularly with students, parents and staff.

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