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For Students

Here at King Edward VI College, we have a well-established and effective support system for all of our students, and each student is assigned a personal tutor. In addition, each year group has a Progress Leader they can talk to.

High quality careers support and guidance is naturally an important part of our support to students. We have an independent adviser at the college as well as our own team of tutors and advice managers.

What’s more, the college is fully committed to supporting equal opportunities. We are opposed to any discrimination or harassment of individuals on the grounds of race, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity or disability.

Moreover, we are committed to ensuring that people with disabilities, including those with learning difficulties are treated fairly. All reasonable adjustments to our provision will be made to ensure that students and other people with disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged.

Our application process invites students with a disability to tell us of their particular needs so that we can make all reasonable adjustments to meet these needs.

Our SEND policy can be found in the Policies section.

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