Karen Hewish

Former student Karen Hewish left KEGS in 1992 after completing her R.E and Psychology A levels.

“I also wanted to study Music but unfortunately I didn’t get the grade needed at GCSE. I did a variety of jobs after A levels, mostly working in mortgages but I’m now a Higher Level Teaching Assistant in a Primary School.

My memories of KEGS are all the staff being so friendly and approachable and the gorgeous sausage roll and chips the canteen used to serve!
During my time at college I was treated as an adult and I think that really helped me become more independent although at first I found it hard because many of my friends had gone elsewhere. However, I did make more friends, one of which went on to be my bridesmaid! We still keep in touch but she lives in Kuwait now.

When I left I intended to have a gap year before going to Uni, but instead I got married and went to work in insurance and then onto a building society as a mortgage advisor.
After having my children I re-trained as a teaching assistant and then studied for and obtained my higher level teaching assistant status. I now teach music to all ages in primary school. (So I got back into music after all and I love it!!)

I live in Kingsbury with my husband and our two lovely girls. Mollie is currently studying at KEGS and Poppy will be starting in September.


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